
I have fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and hypothyroidism & I've been able to lose over 175 pounds without surgery by following a High Fat/Low Carb "diet". Here I tell my story and share news about nutrition, metabolism, health, exercise, and changing your perceptions and habits so you can find the same amazing success that I have.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Looking for fast weight loss? Move along!

One of the biggest issues with obesity here in the U.S. is everyone is looking for the quick and easy fix to losing weight, as fast as possible, without alot of work, and damn the consequences of such a feat, assuming it even works to begin with. Or if it does work, it doesn't work for long as it's really hard to keep the weight off again once you lost it.

Losing weight in a healthy manner so that you not just lose the weight, but also learn how to keep it off for good takes time, patience, diligence, and most likely a dramatic change in your habits that will take time to implement and adjust to.

Yet instead, people look to fad diets, pills, injections, and even things as dramatic as permanent body-altering surgery to fix their eating and weight issues.

Everyone knows someone, even themselves, that "just couldn't lose weight no matter how hard they tried."

Bullshit.  (And I dont' swear hardly ever).

Until you're willing to look within and fix the problems that made you gain weight to begin with, you will not be able to lose the weight and keep it off.

No weight loss program will work with it.

How do I know this?  I was once there myself.  And then lost 175 pounds without any fad diets, pills, surgery, or doctor's help.

So if you're looking for tips for losing that 25, 50 or 100 pounds or more of fat as fast as possible, this isn't the place you're going to find them.  What you will find here are healthy tips and advice to change your life and habits so that the weight comes off slowly and permanently and in a healthy manner so that it stays off and you feel great as a result.

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