
I have fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and hypothyroidism & I've been able to lose over 175 pounds without surgery by following a High Fat/Low Carb "diet". Here I tell my story and share news about nutrition, metabolism, health, exercise, and changing your perceptions and habits so you can find the same amazing success that I have.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

New Meal Plan Started 1/12/13

Tired of not losing weight and feeling fat and more overweight than I want to be, I've decided to try a new meal plan.  I started this yesterday.

It's based on what I see bodybuilder and fitness-types doing, i.e. those who do weight lifting, which is what I do for exercise. 

I thought my low carb would keep working but it hasn't. Any time I've tried to drop my carbs too low, I feel awful for several weeks even after brining my carbs up too much.  My theory is that my thyroid doesn't like this low of carbs and keeps down-regulating everytime I do this, especially since I have so much muscle-stuff going on.

Thus, my new meal plan is different.  Instead of 3 meals + snack a day as I had been doing with about 50% fat, 30% protein, 25-30% carbs, the new plan is 5-6 meals a day, about 30% fat, 30% protein, 30-40% carbs.  Most of the heavier carbs will be in the morning and then PWO.

I felt okay on Day 1, despite having to make some adjustments due to scheduling and food options, as I have had to on Day 2 here, too.  I'm trying to use up some of the foods I still have before I buy much more, but the subsitutions have been pretty close. 

Oddly enough, the scale was down 2 lbs today after Day 1.  I know this is way too early to have any effect, but it is rather encouraging that I did not gain.  We'll see how it goes.

Tuesday I have an appointment with the new doctor who did all kinds of blood work tests on me.  I'm looking forward to the results and what they mean, hoping we have some indciations of what has been going on with me.  I'm hoping for at least T3 supplementation since I've been only on T4.

Overall, I've been feeling pretty good, much better than I was when I dropped my carbs too low.  I've been around 60-100g of carbs mostly.  My thyroid symptoms have been less, though my temperature has dipped low after a lower carb day.  For example, I had about 40g of carbs one day and the next morning, my temperature was 95.9!   Next day, I ate more and my temp went back up to 97.1 where it typically sits.  Coincidentally, this morning it was 97.5, and this was after Day1 of the new plan.  That's the highest it's been in the morning so far (except when I was sick).

My theory is that more carbs will be good for me and my thyroid.  It's my prayer that my body will get the picture that it's healthy enough eating this way that it can lose this extra weight I've gained.  That and perhaps some medications and suggestions from the new doctor.

Meanwhile, I've been working out good still, 3 days a week and had an awesome metabolic circuit yesterday.  Love it!   I'm so much stronger than I ever was and am finding that this has helped with some of my loose skin issues too.

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