In around 1996, I was diagnosed with
I was suffering from chronic fatigue, muscle pain and sleep problems for a while. When I was first diagnosed, it was just the beginning of my condition, as I got worse over time. It became chronic enough to affect my job. I was traveling full time as a consultant and had trouble keeping up with my job and doing things right. Without a doubt, how I was eating and my weight had a large part to do with how I was doing, but also without a doubt. I did have fibromyalgia. I had tender points in most of the usual places. I had the fibro fog, confusion, muscle pain and weakness, fatigue, and lots of other symptoms that made life miserable.
I suffered this way for years. I had a terrible doctor in the beginning but after I moved, I found a great doctor that I still see for both the fibro and the arthritis and she and I work great together and she's really helped me with both conditions as well as supporting me with my own discoveries on how to help myself get better.
About the time I started Atkins High Fat and Low carb eating, I also began trying to figure out if there was a better way to deal with my fibro too. I had already made some adjustments based on what I read online and by reading the books of
Dr. Devin Starlanyl, including taking supplements like Magnesium and B Complex. My rheumatologist also found a prescription drug and pain medications that helped me sleep better.
Over time, as my weight improved and my diet changed, along with various other "alternative" treatments I tried, I noticed an improvement of my symptoms. I found a regiment that seems to help me overall and that is:
- Make quality sleep a priority. 7-8 hours minimum. No matter what.
- The right medication to help you sleep well, fall asleep and stay asleep without being foggy the next day
- Strict sleep schedule as much as possible. Going to bed and getting up around the same times.
- A very comfortable and quiet sleep area in my bedroom. A good bed, dark, a fan that blocks outside noise as much as possible, comfortable temperature
- Listening to this CD on continuous play: Delta Sleep Sync System
- Deal with perpetuating factors and other conditiosn (link to PDF) that can affect your fibromaylgia.
- Supplements: Magnesium, B Complex, Omega 3s, CoQ10, Melatonin, though I take others too
- Massage - as often as I can afford it
- Chiropractic care - Atlas Orthogonal, Applied Kinesiology, Brimhall's Wellness Techniques
- Meditation and Reiki
- Exercise - yes enough exercise is good for fibro and too little is bad.
- Eating right, lots of water, avoiding chemicals/processed foods, etc.
- Hot bath/jacuzzi and/or swimming
- Avoiding stress, drama, loud noises, etc.
- Resting sufficiently and recognizing when my symptons are worse so I can take care of myself better, take pain medication, etc.
The above work for me. They may not work for everyone, but are things that I tried and noticed they helped. The thing to remember here is they may not help in
big ways, but perhaps even 5-10%.
These little bits can add up over time to help you feel better. You may never be back to where you were before. There's no cure. But you
can feel better.
Let me re-itereate: these little things can add up over time and help.
One of my biggest problems in the beginning after I got diagnosed with fibromayglia is I was searching for that elusive magic pill, cure or treatment that was going to make me feel all better and go away. I have never found it nor has anyone else to my knowledge.
But what I have found are little things that add up and make me 25% or 50% better.
Today, I consider myself able to function more than most and not suffering as much from the symptoms of fibromyalgia. It's a combination of the above treatments that has really made a difference and allows me to work full time and be functional and my socially and physically active again.
That said, while losing weight and eating this way has helped tremendously. It has NOT been a cure.
I still have pain and fatigue spells, especially when I've been stressed and/or not sleeping well. I can easily overdo it. It takes me longer to recuperate from stress, lack of sleep, pushing it too much, etc.
But without a doubt, eating this way really does help. Being in ketosis is good for energy and I can defiinitely feel the difference it makes in my energy levels and ability to function. That alone is worth eating High Fat/Low Carb for life.
Fibromyalgia is perhaps one of the most mis-understood conditions out there. The quality of life is horrible. Many doctors do not understand it because the diagnosis and treatment are both very difficult. Some people still think it's "All In Your Head.". Finding a good doctor to work with you on treating it is still near impossible. And finding a treatment to help you is as much difficult.
However, what I've learned is you can't sit back and wait for a magic pill or directions from your doctor for fix you. You've (and that's a BIG YOU) got to find a combination of treatments, with your doctor and on your own, to continually strive to improve yourself. Else, you will not improve ever, you will continue to spiral downward and get worse. Don't let it. Start making little chagnes here and there. Over time, these will add up and help you feel better.
But You Don't Look Sick
WebMD Fibromyalgia Overview
National Fibromyalgia Awareness Association
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