It's funny when I talk to others about my "diet" and the responses I get about how I eat.
No bread?
No cookies?
No pasta?
No bagels?
No cereal???
And they dig in their heels that they don't think they can "suvive" if they don't have these things.
What about Coke or Mountain Dew? Or these fiber bars, they are healthy right? Pretzels? Popcorn?? Chips?
I once thought the same way.
And I realized how wrong I was.
These foods are not healthy for many of us, especially those very overweight, insulin resistant, with diabetes and signs of heart disease. I believe these foods also contribute to auto-immune disorders and worsen conditions like GERD, indigestion, IBS and more.
Sorry folks. If you find yourself saying "I can't give up X." It's a sign that you may really may need to. Your mind will cling to these foods, even if not healthy, because it feeds the serotonin in the brain and your brain knows it.
So don't give in to the brain here. It will steer you wrong.
Do without these foods for a while. You don''t have to go hard core low carb. But do without for a few weeks, make sure you eat some decent protein and veggies, and I guarantee you will feel better.
Even on the low carb diet, I've found myself revisiting foods to see if I was holding onto foods that might be holding me back. If it was on the Atkins Induction list, it was okay, but OWL foods and things like sweetener, soda made with sweetener, nuts, and more came on the chopping block and got cut.
And I no longer obsess about bread or pasta anymore. I'd much rather have the great foods I can and be healthy. And honestly, my tastes have chaneged so dramatically, when I taste these foods again, they no longer taste the same, very bland and unappetizing.
So if you find yourself thinking you can't give up something, give it up for a while and see what happens. You might be surprised.
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